
  • Maximum quality and careful management of production costs have always been the guarantor of the company’s success; efficiency analysis, cost simulations, optimisation of the functioning of each machining centre, pay testimony to our desire to obtain absolute quality as well as the satisfaction of the client. Purposeful and planned investments provide us with flexibility and high-end technology; the availability of machining centres for turnery and milling such as the Mazak E410 H-S, allow the application of done-in-one work techniques; concentrate a single production unit on the workmanship required by the specific project.


  • Thanks to the range of highly flexible and competitive machinery which it boasts, ASPA does not fear the challenge of technology. In addition to the Mazak E410 H-S the machinery department features other 5-axis machinery centres: the Makino D500 and the CNC 5-axis Mori Seiki NMV 5000, equipped with two automatic pallet changers, which aside from producing an extremely high quality of workmanship, allow a fast and flexible workflow. Another state-of-the-art player in the department is the CNC 3-axis Makino V56. This high-speed vertical machining centre is able to read and work up to the 4th decimal place, enabling the production of extremely precise workmanship.